Member Resources
Click any of the button links below to be directed to the appropriate member resource.
Use this button to access a PDF copy of the current Membership Form to print.
All forms must be returned to a member of the Board with dues paid online or in-person.
Use this button to access our online dues payment option with Zeffy.
All forms must be returned to a member of the Board with dues.
Use this button to access a for for the submission of protocol or changes in stage names.
This link will take you to a page with rules and requirements for aspiration to the throne.
Applications will be available the 1st Saturday of February each year.
(Availability date for Reign XVII Monarch Applications will be February 01, 2025)
Use this button to submit music electronically for events. This is the preferred method of submission.
Use this button to access a PDF copy of the current Event Form to print.
All forms must be filled out completely and submitted to the Reigning Monarch for approval.